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Dear Parent/Carer,

We are emailing to make parents aware that we have recently been informed that some of our students have been followed home from school by a man in a blue car. He pulled over, wound his window down but before he could speak fortunately the two boys shouted at him and he speedily drove off. There was also a previous incident at a weekend where a man in a blue car also followed one of our students. We would like to encourage parents/carers to speak to their child about safe behaviours to and from school, as well as at the weekend/during holiday times. In addition we would encourage parents/carers to inform the police of any suspicious incidents like this and also inform the school so that we are also aware.


Finally, we would like to inform you that as from Tuesday 1st March (the students first day back after February Half Term) we will not be requiring students or staff to wear face masks in lessons or around the school site. We have continued to analyse the number of positive cases amongst the staff and student body and have seen a dramatic reduction in positive cases. In fact our numbers are so low now as to be negligible. Without question this has been down to the school needing to implement it’s COVID Outbreak Management Plan that required the wearing of face masks in lessons and enclosed spaces to ensure that not only could we have as many students in school as possible and not isolating at home, but also limit the number of staff absent due to also testing positive. This has really had a dramatic impact and enabled us to keep all of our year groups open and in school.

We thank you for your support in ensuring your child came to school a face mask at the times when it has been necessary.


Wishing you all a wonderful half term holiday.

Many kind regards,

Mr R Morey

Deputy Headteacher