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Physical Education

Curriculum Intent for Physical Education

We want to inspire and motivate students to participate and enjoy physical activity.  We also want them to recognise the importance that sport plays into adulthood. The department is inclusive of all students needs and will give various opportunities for students to improve their competence, confidence and character. 

How our curriculum is IMPLEMENTED

In year 7 & 8 students participate in diverse and challenging curriculum.  Students follow different sporting pathways (sports Education & Core Sports).  Both have been created to improve each student’s physical literacy.  All key components of the national curriculum are covered.  Students have an opportunity to study a wide range of physical activities.  This is extended further by an extensive programme of enrichment and inter-school fixtures.  We also offer other exciting trips for students with all students taking part in competitive sport, not only in lessons, but also as part of the school inter-college programme. Students develop their leadership and employability skills using a range of continual peer and teacher assessment and receive constructive feedback.

The IMPACT our curriculum delivers

In PE we have very low numbers of students who do not take part in PE, which includes when students forget their PE kit.  We have high numbers who attend enrichment-based activities after school in a variety of activities, which caters for all needs.  We also have fantastic success in local and National sports competitions.  It is the positive student voice which demonstrates the high, positive impact of our varied curriculum. We have a large amount of students studying both GCSE PE and also A-Level and BTEC sport coaching to Post-16 levels.

Click below to download the Curriculum map that shows a student’s learning journey throughout this subject at Finham Park School.

A Level Socio Cultural Learning Journey
A Level Psychological Factors Learning Journey
A Level Anatomy and Physiology Learning Journey
BTEC Sports Development Learning Journey
Click here to download the Key Stage 3 Assessment Criteria in this subject (Years 7-9)

Our 7 SPORT PRINCIPLES include the 5 school values: perseverance courageousness, integrity, humility & kindness.

  1. GO FOR IT

Rise to the challenge – always strive for excellence. Show PERSEVERANCE and COURAGEOUSNESS to discover how good you are.


Show honestly and INTEGRITY all the time. Winning is only meaningful when competition is fair and played with the correct spirit


Show respect to all involved in sporting experiences.  Win with HUMILITY and lose with grace.


Find the joy of sport.  Always keep a positive attitude both on and off the field of play


Place physical, emotional and social benefits above all other considerations.  Respect your body and keep in shape.


Share sport with others by showing KINDNESS.  Ensure everyone has a place in sport


Find ways to show your appreciation for those who support you in sport and help make it possible.


Si At the start of year 7 students arrive with a large spectrum of abilities. All students have a varying degree of sporting experiences from various primary and community involvement. As such students are benchmarked in year 7 for their physical literacy. Students will then be set into 2 pathways: Sports education and core skills to build confidence in their movement ability. All students have 2 x 1-hour PE lessons per week.  Students receive 7 blocks of different sporting activities/ units throughout the year.  All students will have further opportunities to extend their competence, confidence and Character in various inter-college, enrichment, leadership and other sporting opportunities.

SWhen students finish their PE journey it is hoped they have developed their competence, confidence and character by applying the 7 Sports principles. Throughout their PE journey it is hoped that students will have had the opportunity to develop these principles through various curriculum-based lessons, competition and enrichment-based activities and other connected opportunities available to them. It is hoped that students will continue to foster/ develop the sporting principles by seeing how good they are and potentially go onto further studies OR continuing with sport as a ‘recreational’ pathway, so that they are able to use any environment as a potential space to play.

PE Department Staff

Head of Department Mr M Amos (BSc)
Deputy Head of Department Ms S Essam (MA)
Mr O Jay
Ms K Hunter (College Leader) (BA)
Mr P Shepherd (Deputy Head of Sixth Form) (BEd)
Mr R Morey (Deputy Headteacher) (BA)
Ms L Levack (BSc)
Mr J Lawrie (College Leader) (B.Ed)
Mr T John (PE Apprentice)
Mr J Foxon (Assistant Headteacher) (BSc)

Key Stage 3

Due to COVID-19, a wider gap (for those beginning their learning and for current students in year 7) has understandably become apparent between student’s physical literacy.  As such in the initial years of KS3 the learning intent is to give students the opportunity to develop their physical literacy.

Physical Literacy can be defined as:

All students have 2 x 1-hour PE lessons per week.  Students come to PE in half year groups.  The overall PE curriculum/ timetable will need to adapt through the next 5 years to cope with the increased size of year group bubbles.

In year 7 students are benchmarked for the physical literacy. They are then set into 2 pathways:


These groups will stay the same for both year 7 & 8 before following similar curriculums in year 9 sports. Students will be taught in single gender groups.

Students receive 7 sports education / core skills units throughout the year.  Each block will be between 8-12 lessons. Students are taught in separate gender groups.

Students have the opportunity to learn the core Pediology set by the National curriculum by in invasion, aesthetic, rackets, adventurous/ problem-based activities and fitness/ athletic activities. In each of these areas’ students will look at key concepts and processes including; outwitting an opponent, development and replicating of a skill; problem solving and decision making & evaluating and performing.  Students will also look at how Physical activity can further enhance their employability skills.

Schemes of learning are written for Yr7 individually and Yr8/9 combined, mapping out a journey through KS3. Staff use professional judgement linked to individual groupings and progress mapped out in learning journals (booklets) to take students through this at a pace which suits all involved so as to maximise learning and progression opportunities throughout this journey.


Students will be assessed for their cardio-respiratory fitness twice a year through the 12-minute cooper run and learn about healthy active lifestyles through a specific unit of work in the fitness suite.

Core pathway units:

Year 7: Benchmarking, gymnastics, badminton, tennis, football, rugby, netball, hockey, athletics & Striking skills

Year 8: Fitness, orienteering, gymnastics, badminton, tennis, football, rugby, hockey, netball, athletics & Striking skills.

Year 9: Fitness, orienteering, basketball, volleyball, tennis, football, rugby, hockey, netball, athletics, striking sill, trampolining / dance.

Core skills pathways units:

Year: 7 & 8: Fundamental Movement Skills; health & fitness; Technique and Fluency of Movement; Tactics, Strategies and Compositional Ideas Problem Solving and Improvisation; athletics, striking skills.


Fair play competition is an important part in the PE curriculum.  It gives allows students to foster college identities.  Students will take part in 5 inter-college sports weeks.  At the end of the year both KS3 & 4 sport will participate in a whole school sports day.

Go for it! – Students can extend / improve their knowledge and understanding through a vast enrichment programme.  There are also many trips students can go on.  Annually there is always a focus to give pupil premium students the opportunity to participate in as many trips and enrichment activities.

Students in key stage 3 will have the opportunity to lead.  All students in year 8 & 9 will plan warm-ups at the start of the year.  Each group will have two leaders that will specifically do the warm-ups for that group.  These leaders will also have the opportunity to go out of school and work with primary students.

Throughout the year English and Maths skills are looked at in a variety of ways. Examples where the PE department supports Maths and English include:

Key Stage 4

All Key Stage 4 students have two x 1 hours a week of core PE.

In year 10, students will all follow the ‘Creative Curriculum’ (Finham’s own course).  This is a structured, but flexible one-year course that the PE department has put together to give students all round knowledge, understanding and enjoyment of sport.  The curriculum is as follows:

  1. Continue your learning journey from Y7-9.
  2. Enjoy the physical, emotional and social reasons of taking part in sport.
  3. Understand how PE develops key employability skills needed to be successful in your future careers.
  4. Opportunity to develop your leadership and help others develop theirs.
  5. Take part in competitive sport – Inter-college 5 times in the year
  6. Challenge yourself physically and learn knew fitness concepts and principles.
  7. Understand and be able to administer basic first aid 
  8. Have the opportunity to learn new sports.

Students learning is supported by a work booklet that maps out what they need to do to achieve a bronze, silver and gold award.  Mid-way through year 11 students have a ‘pass out’ awards assembly to be given their awards.

In March of Year 10 students have a ‘broken block’ of activities where we work in conjunction with community sports coaches to give them a taster of new sports including yoga, boxing, American football, lacrosse, golf, ultimate football and kabaddi.

Year 11 students will take part in ‘recreational PE’, with the intent focusing on student’s physical, emotional & social well-being. Students are split between 4 / 5 groups.  Both Year 10 & 11 will take part in inter-college once per half term.   The department is currently looking how it can introduce ‘mindfulness’ into the year 11 curriculum to help students cope with examinations.  This was trialled successfully in Winter term year 11 and used in reintegrating year 10 students on return from Covid-19 isolation.


The course is broken down into 60% theory, 30% practical & 10% coursework. This course suits students who regularly compete in physical activity outside of school.  Lessons will consist of one theory (classroom-based lessons) and one practical per week.  However, as the course goes on students will do more theory than practical lessons.

In year 9 students cover an ‘overview curriculum’ which allows them to learn the key concepts on both of the two examination papers.  Learning in year 10 is specifically geared towards learning all practical knowledge and paper one’s theoretical knowledge content.  Year 11 focus on student’s coursework and paper two’s theoretical content.

Key Stage 5

All Students will have one lesson per fortnight (Year 12 and 13 on separate Wednesday’s P5), with the intent focusing on student’s physical, emotional & social well-being. Students are split between 6 groups. This is recreational PE, where students get to choose their sports activities.

A-Level PE OCR

This subject will allow students to develop knowledge and understanding of physical activity and performance, in relation to their own physical activity and healthy lifestyle, and sport in a wider context. Students will have the opportunity to apply theory to practical performance and develop their potential in a number of activities.

The course looks at the following components:

Edexcel BTEC National Level 3 Extended Certificate – Sports Coaching and Development

The department has different support strategies, including further online provision using, FROG & google docs.

Employability Skills

PE is one of the only subjects that allow students to develop and enhance their employability skills.  As such in KS3 there will be a focus that looks at one of the 10 most wanted employability skills.  This is further developed in our KS4 curriculum.

Aim Of The Sports Leadership In PE

Finham Park School believes passionately about the benefits of leadership for every young person, as well as recognising the crucial and beneficial role young people play in delivering school and community sport opportunities for others.

KS3 Leadership Model

  1. In the first couple of weeks of the academic year 7 students create and have opportunities to lead their own warm-ups through the ‘IDEAS’ principles.  Year 8 students will do warm-ups based on FITT principles.
  2. At the start of October students in every PE group can apply to be a sports leader through application to their teacher.  Each Y7 & 8 group have TWO leaders.
  3. Y7 student’s sports leaders will work specifically with their PE teacher to develop their leadership skills, whilst year 8 will have the opportunities as well to lead primary school students.

Specific roles

KS4 Leadership Model


Spiritual, Social, Moral, Cultural

Examples of Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Education in PE include:

Promoting the British Values in PE


The Rule of Law

Individual Liberty

Mutual Respect and Tolerance

Student behave to high standards whilst competing, leading, visiting external classroom opportunities i.e. trips, leadership and inter-school activities.


PE Assessment Policy

Evidence of pupil achievement in the PE is gathered by using:

The aim of the PE department’s assessment policy is: 


At the start of year 7 all pupils are assessed in a benchmarking PE unit.  This will be made up of mixture of assessment lessons including fitness tests. Students are given an overall end of key Stage 2 National Curriculum grade which will be used to see have much progress has been made yearly and by the end of KS3.  This assessment level may change until the end of term one to make sure the student has been assessed correctly.


SIMS Mark books

Throughout the year, all PE staff will monitor the ability of individual pupils in all sporting activities.  Each sporting activity is broken down into 1-9. The assessment criteria’s for each sport is a mixture of GCSE and New KS3 levels 1-9.  Due to PE being non-linear grades may fluctuate throughout the year.  Target grades should be reset where possible.

At the end of the academic year, students will be marked for their best 3 sports in two different performing areas. Two times a year, students will be asked to investigate if students have taken part in ENRICHMENT activities.

KS3  PE Assessment Portfolios

Student need to know their grades and how they can make progress.  Students will need to enter their grades for each sport. The PE portfolio is broken up into individual pages, where students will set themselves a target and end of block review.  There is also a literacy section for students to complete.  Students will also complete a leadership section for warm-ups complete. Progress checks are entered on to PARRS and will follow the schools.

Evidence based gathering in practical assessments.

There are assessment criteria for each Key stage/ sport.  In KS3 students Staff assess groups together at least 2/3 times a year to gain accuracy in marking.  GCSE & A level works the same, however in January there is a formal moderation window where all students are moderated by at least 2 members of staff.  The department has been a lead centre for moderation with other schools


Examination based subjects

GCSE, A-Level & BTEC National – All assessment grades/ data should be entered onto the department’s google drive spreadsheets.  Assessment data should be taken after every topic test/ practical activity and then RAG rated.  There is an Excel spreadsheet so students / teacher can see predicted grade needed

KS4 core

All students will complete the ‘Creative Curriculum.  Each student has an evidence booklet to collate their work.  This includes a grading sheet.  It is important that staff regularly record all data on SIMMS (gold, silver & bronze).  It is also important that student booklets are checked termly.


Finham Park School PE Kit (Boys & Girls)

PE Department Kit Policy

If a student forgets part/all of their PE kit they will receive a consequence as follows:

C1 – will be given if a student forgets part of their kit for the FIRST time in a term.

C2 – will be given if a student forgets part of their kit for the SECOND time in a term.

C3 – will be given if a student forgets part of their kit for the THIRD time in a term. At this point a student will receive a PE Department detention.

C3 – will be given every time thereafter for the duration of that term every time a student forgets part/all of their PE kit. At this point a student will receive a PE Department detention.


A C3 will be given to a student if they forget all their PE kit to the start of the lesson.  At this point a student will receive a PE Department detention.

A C3 will also automatically be given to a student if they are unprepared for the start of the lesson (jewelry not removed or ear-rings not taped, hair not tied up, incorrect kit worn, mobile ‘phone on display/being used, chewing gum etc. when leaving the changing rooms, when in the gym or sports hall, when on the field or on the courts, when in a classroom etc.).  At this point a student will receive a PE Department detention.

Students are expected to bring their kit to every lesson.

If students are suffering from illness or are injured they are still expected to bring their PE kit, as they can take part in some aspect in the lesson whether it be skills, refereeing, coaching or organising equipment. If students do bring notes we advise them to wear extra-warm sporting clothes over the top of their PE kit. There is a stock of lost property kit that can be borrowed by students. Students are encouraged to ensure all kit is clearly named/labelled. If students cannot practically take part in PE they will still need their PE kit as well as a signed note from home explaining why they cannot participate in the PE lesson.



All students in Years 7-11 will take part in six inter-college sporting events, including ‘Sports day’, which allows students to put into practice what they have learnt in a competitive environment. All students are welcomed to further enhance their sporting competence through an extensive and broad enrichment programme.

The department has in place medium term plans for all sports activities covered. These enable consistent and high quality teaching.